
Subscriptions are only available when specifically agreed upon.

Subscriptions provide an easy way to schedule recurring transactions at regular intervals. We automatically create transactions for you at the interval you specified via the plan.

Our subscriptions consists of a plan and a subscription. You can create and update subscriptions from the Dashboard or via the API.

The subscription plan holds all the general information like name, amount, interval and payment profile. Once one or more plans have been set up you can use these to create a subscription.

For more information see the API documentation.

Create a plan

You can easily configure plans via the Dashboard. However, it is of course also possible to do this via our API. See the API documentation.

Create a subscription

Subscriptions are created with a POST request to the following url:


For instance, here is a valid request body that creates a subscription:

    "customer": "cbbfa6ec-fb44-4da4-94c4-d81e92fd43e6",
    "plan": "8ed3bc36-cdcb-405f-9d77-3c0346af6800"

The response will include the field subscription_url. This is the URL you can use to redirect your customer to. Alternatively you can also communicate this URL to your customer. E.g. via mail. The subscription_url is used to gather customer information for the payment product. For card this would be the card details (holder name, card number, expiry, cvv/cvc).

Create a subscription with a valid card

It is possible to create a subscription with an earlier created card. However, it is required that this card is connected to the customer and that this card has been used in a previous recurring_type=first transaction. Take a look at the recurring documentation for more information.

This would be an example of a valid request body:

    "card": "a61335cf-8c8b-4a75-a259-fd4dac62fb37",
    "customer": "cbbfa6ec-fb44-4da4-94c4-d81e92fd43e6",
    "plan": "8ed3bc36-cdcb-405f-9d77-3c0346af6800"

Unlike the example without a card, this subscription will directly return the status ACTIVE.